Lediga jobb Internationella Engelska Skolan i Sverige AB i Värmdö

Se alla lediga jobb från Internationella Engelska Skolan i Sverige AB i Värmdö. Genom att välja ett specifikt yrke kan du även välja att se alla lediga jobb i Värmdö som finns inom det yrket.

Teacher, History, Swedish, Ages 11 - 15

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.

IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

På Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) gör vi skillnad i våra elevers liv. Vi tror att detta beror på vår tydliga etos med engagerade och synliga ledare som skapar en miljö där lärare kan undervisa och elever lär sig. IES skolor har en dynamisk internationell atmosfär med personal och elever från hela världen.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna Kindergarten (F-klass) - årskurs 9 med ca. 610 studenter och 65 anställda. Vi följer den svenska läroplanen och har upp till 50 % av undervisningen på engelska. Vi öppnade våra dörrar i augusti 2021 och har haft tre mycket framgångsrika år med att etablera en skola som är stark inom IES-kulturen. Vi finns i Charlottendalsområdet i Gustavsberg, ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med enkel pendling från Stockholm. 

Vår skola är en gemenskap av yrkesverksamma och oavsett om du är ny legitimerad eller en erfaren pedagog kommer du att få möjlighet att utvecklas. För att lära dig mer om vår skola besök: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker en legitimerad lärare i svenska och historia för att undervisa elever i årskurs 5, 7 och 8, med med start 7 januari 2025.

Du måste vara kunnig och brinna för undervisning. Du är en ledare i klassrummet med verktyge för att skapa en lugn lärmiljö. Du differentierar din undervisning för att möta alla dina elevers behov. Som mentor för 16 elever kommer du att stödja dem i att förverkliga sin fulla potential, oavsett bakgrund. Du är också en fantastisk lagspelare som tillför en positiv attityd och energi till de team som du arbetar i.

Vi behöver söker dig som har:

Svensk "lärarlegitimation"

Bra kunskaper i det engelska språket

Ansök nu genom att skicka in ditt CV och ett personligt brev. Rekrytering sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så ansök så snart som möjligt. Mejla gärna ytterligare frågor till [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan! Visa mindre

School IT

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.

IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

IT Representative

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. At IES the international perspective is part of your every day, you can visit the world without leaving home.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten to 9  with 608 students and 64 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. Specifics about your school here. Our school is located in Gustavsberg close to Värmdö Marknad and a bus stop directly outside with a direct bus from Slussen. You can find more information on our website here: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Do you have a passion for IT and enjoy sharing your knowledge? Would you be a good role model for our students? We are currently recruiting for a part time, hourly, IT Administrator role to cover off a parental leave absence until the beginning of April. 

The main responsibilities involve local:

- Preparing areas of the school for activities including assemblies, functions, meetings, etc.
- IT Support and training (staff and students)
- IT Operations (informing service providers on issues).

The role is entry level and diverse. You may find yourself assisting within a classroom environment and hosting workshops and training modules tailored for staff and students one day, whilst fixing furniture the next. All our IT services are provided by external drift partners who you will be in close contact with for support and maintenance. Our main platform is Google Workspace for Education (formerly known as Google Apps).

Who are you?

We are looking for a team player who enjoys being involved in many areas at the same time. You are a positive person which enables you to give the best support and build confidence in the ICT area for our staff and students. You are service minded and take the initiative.


Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible.

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Substitute, Ages 6 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.

IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.


Vi söker lärarvikarier till Internationella Engelska skolan i Värmdö för undervisning i årskurserna F-9 samt fritids. Vi söker vikarier som kan jobba vid behov och undervisa i alla ämnen. Detta är ett bra tillfälle för dig som vill prova på läraryrket, är lärarstudent och vill jobba lite extra, gillar att arbeta med barn och ungdomar i en internationell miljö.

Om dig:

Gärna erfarenhet inom läraryrket.

Är lugn och har lätt att följa instruktioner

Har god kunskap i engelska

Vill jobba i en lugn miljö: "Where teachers can teach and students can learn"

Kan förstå och arbeta enligt IES ethos.

Du har en positiv människosyn, är en teamplayer och har förmåga att skapa goda relationer med elever, kollegor och vårdnadshavare. 

Om jobbet:

Du kommer att rycka in och täcka upp för lektioner i enlighet med den lektionsplanering som finns. Vanligtvis blir du kontaktad på morgonen för att vikariera i klasser samma dag eller möjligen kommande dagar. På IES Värmdö eftersträvar vi tydliga ramar i klassrummet, tydligt ledarskap på lektioner och rak kommunikation mellan personal och elever. Fokus ligger på lärande, studiemiljön och skolans förväntningar som följs av både elever och lärare. Undervisningen och arbetsspråket kollegor emellan sker på både svenska och engelska.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö är en friskola med 610 elever. Skolan öppnade i augusti 2021 och ligger i Gustavsberg med goda kommunikationer till Slussen och centrala Stockholm. Vi erbjuder en lugn och trygg arbetsmiljö där ömsesidig respekt mellan elever och mellan elever och personal genomsyrar verksamheten. Lärare och elever kommer från hela världen och har därigenom med sig erfarenhet, kunskap och nya möjligheter till skolan.


Start så snart som möjligt

Ett giltigt utdrag ur belastningsregistret för arbete i skolan är obligatoriskt att visa. Ansök genom att skicka in ditt CV och personliga brev via IES Careers. Intervjuer sker löpande under ansökningsperioden och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningsperioden gått ut, så ansök redan idag. Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan.

Ansök här: https://apply.engelska.se/ 

För mer information om vår skola, besök vår hemsida, http://varmdo.engelska.se/


Substitute teacher:

We are looking for substitute teachers for the International English School in Värmdö for teaching in grades K-9 as well as. We are looking for substitutes who can work as needed and teach all subjects. This is a good opportunity for those who want to try the teaching profession, are a student teacher and want to work extra or those who like to work with children and young people in an international environment.About you We are looking for an individual that preferably has some experience in the teaching profession. Is calm and can easily follow instructions. Is fluent in English. Comfortable working with children of ages 1-15 years old.Can understand and work according to IES ethos.

About the job: We are looking for substitute teachers that can work when required. Cover classes for absent teachers from year K to year 9 in all subjects. Clear instructions and cover plans are always provided by the permanent teacher. Some workdays might be pre-planned, but often you will be contacted the same morning and at short notice, so you need to be able to have a reasonable commute to Värmdö and be a flexible person. At IES Värmdö we strive for clear frameworks in the classroom, clear leadership in lessons and direct communication between staff and students. The focus is on learning, the study environment and the school's expectations, which are followed by both students and teachers. The teaching and working language between colleagues takes place in both Swedish and English.

International English School Värmdö is an independent school with 610 students. The school opened in August 2021 and is located in Gustavsberg with good communications to Slussen and central Stockholm. We offer a calm and safe work environment where mutual respect between students and between students and staff permeates the business. Teachers and students come from all over the world and thereby bring experience, knowledge and new opportunities to the school.

Terms of employment:

Hourly pay

Starting as soon as possible

A police clearance for working within a school is mandatory

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter via IES Careers. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. We look forward to reading your application!

Apply here: https://apply.engelska.se/ 

For more information please visit our website http://varmdo.engelska.se/ Visa mindre

Teacher, Mathematics, Ages 13 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.

IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had three very successful years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a Swedish Qualified Math teacher for grades 8 and 9 to join our team for 1 term (Spring Term/25) covering for a parental leave vacancy. The position would be from January/25-June/25. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation and valid ability to work in Sweden (citizenship or valid arbetstillstånd). 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.

IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.


Om oss:

Internationella Engelska skolan (IES) är en växande friskola som grundades 1993 och nu har ca 30000 elever. Att arbeta inom IES är en möjlighet att arbeta i en internationell miljö med en tydlig pedagogisk tanke. IES Värmdö öppnades hösten 2021 med två paralella klasser från F-ÅK 9. Vi finns i Gustavsberg nära Värmdö marknad och bushållsplats med direkt bus in till Slussen. För mer information besök vår hemsida: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av annonsplatser.


Vi söker nu  fritidspedagog/fritidsledare som kan bidra till att utveckla vårt fritids.

Du kommer att arbeta för att stimulera elevernas lärande och utveckling utifrån elevernas behov, intresse och erfarenheter men också utmana dem genom att inspirera till nya kunskaper.

Du ansvarar för att eleverna erbjuds en variation av arbetssätt, uttrycksformer och lärmiljöer. Tillsammans med dina kollegor planerar, genomför och utvärderar du fritidsverksamheten.

Du kommer att ha ett nära samarbete med vår fritidsansvarig. Som fritidsledare hos oss ska du också arbeta för att erbjuda våra elever en meningsfull fritid genom att uppmuntra till social gemenskap och att stärka grupprelationer.

Du måste tycka att det är roligt, stimulerande och spännande att arbeta på fritids och ge varje elev möjlighet att utvecklas utifrån sina egna förutsättningar och förmågor.


Till denna tjänst söker vi dig som är legitimerad fritidspedagog/fritidsledare med inriktning mot arbete i fritidshem. Du är väl förtrogen med läroplanen och andra styrdokument inom skolområdet och du har god förmåga att arbeta mot uppsatta mål för att utveckla kvalitén på fritidshemmet.

Du är nyfiken, kreativ och du kan inspirera och motivera dina kollegor i arbetslaget. Dina IT-kunskaper är goda och du arbetar med interaktiva verktyg och dokumentation som en självklar del i undervisningen. Goda kunskaper i det svenska och i det engelska språket i tal och skrift krävs för tjänsten. Som person är du trygg och stabil och duktig på att skapa goda relationer med såväl elever som kollegor och vårdnadshavare. Du är klar och tydlig i din kommunikation och har förmåga att motivera och entusiasmera elever till att ta till sig ny kunskap. 

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personliga egenskaper.


Vänligen ladda upp ditt CV och ett personligt brev via http://www.engelska.se/careers

Registerkontroller görs i samband med anställningen.

Intervjuer sker löpande under ansökningstiden. Visa mindre

Teacher, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Science and Technology teacher for grades 5 to 9 (ages 11- 16) to join our team.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in the NO-subjects including technology. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Art, Ages 11 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

På Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) gör vi skillnad i våra elevers liv. Vi tror att detta beror på vår tydliga etos med engagerade och synliga ledare som skapar en miljö där lärare kan undervisa och elever lär sig. IES skolor har en dynamisk internationell atmosfär med personal och elever från hela världen.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna Kindergarten (F-klass) - årskurs 9 med ca. 610 studenter och 65 anställda. Vi följer den svenska läroplanen och har upp till 50 % av undervisningen på engelska. Vi öppnade våra dörrar i augusti 2021 och har haft tre mycket framgångsrika år med att etablera en skola som är stark inom IES-kulturen. Vi finns i det Charlottendal området av Gustavsberg, ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med enkel pendling från stan och en direktbusshållplats utanför skolan.

Vår skola är en gemenskap av yrkesverksamma och oavsett om du är ny legitimerad eller en erfaren pedagog kommer du att få möjlighet att utvecklas. För att lära dig mer om vår skola besök: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker en legitimerad bild lärare för att arbeta med våra elever i årskurs 4-9 med början i augusti 2024.

Du måste vara kunnig och brinner för din undervisning. Du är en ledare i klassrummet med verktygen för att skapa en lugn lärmiljö. Du differentierar din undervisning för att möta alla dina elevers behov. Som mentor för 16 elever kommer du att stödja dem i att förverkliga sin fulla potential, oavsett bakgrund. Du är också en fantastisk lagspelare som tillför en positiv attityd och energi till de team som du arbetar med.

Vi behöver söker dig som har:

Svensk "lärarlegitimation"

Bra kunskaper i det engelska språket

Ansök nu genom att skicka in ditt CV och ett personligt brev. Rekrytering sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så ansök så snart som möjligt. Mejla gärna ytterligare frågor till [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan! Visa mindre

School Administrator

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.

IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna F-9. Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. IES Värmdö erbjuder möjligheten att arbeta i en internationell och stimulerande miljö där engagemang, professionalism och det engelska språket är gemensamma nämnare.

Vår skola har två paraleller i varje årskurs med totalt 610 elever. Vi tar emot två nya förskoleklasser varje år, samt 8 nya ekever i årskurs 4.

Vi söker nu en skoladministratör, till vårt fantastiska team, som skall ansvara för följande arbetsuppgifter:

- Arbeta med och vara ansvarig för administreringen av kön till skolan, intag av nya elever samt processen när elever påbörjar samt avslutar sina studier
- Sekreterare åt skolledningen
- Ansvara för elevantagningen
- Föra mötesprotokoll
- Översätta från engelska till svenska eller vise versa
- Planera praktiskt inför olika event såsom avslutningar, elevens val, schemabrytande aktiviteter, etc.
- Administrationsuppgifter med Schoolsoft och Google

- Dela ansvar för receptionen. Svara i telefon, ta emot leveranser och besökare, inskrivning av besökare, ta hand om borttappade saker

- Dela uppdraget med att ta hand om besökare, samt arrangera med fika för besökare och övrig skolpersonal när det behövs
- Skapa en trygg och välkomnande miljö för våra elever och personal
- Kontrollera ogiltig frånvaro för elever i Schoolsoft och eventuellt kontakta vårdnadshavare
- Kontakt med elever, lärare och övrig personal Som skoladministratör har du en kollega som arbetar i skolans reception. Ni hjälps åt med vissa av arbetsuppgifterna.

Vem är du?

Vi söker dig med en relevant akademisk examen och ett antal års erfarenhet av arbete inom administration/ekonomi. Har du erfarenhet från skolvärlden så är det ett plus men inte en nödvändighet. Vidare är du strukturerad, flexibel och har en god organisatorisk förmåga, samt är positiv och serviceinriktad. Då du kommer ha många processer igång samtidigt krävs att du är van att arbeta självständigt, prioritera inom dina olika arbetsuppgifter samt kommunicera med olika uppdragsgivare. Självklart så behärskar du engelska i både tal och skrift.

Tjänsten tillsätts den 5 augusti -24.

Skriv gärna ett personligt brev, bifoga CV och ansöka idag. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Visa mindre

Teacher, Home Economics, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

På Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) gör vi skillnad i våra elevers liv. Vi tror att detta beror på vår tydliga etos med engagerade och synliga ledare som skapar en miljö där lärare kan undervisa och elever lär sig. IES skolor har en dynamisk internationell atmosfär med personal och elever från hela världen.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna Kindergarten (F-klass) - årskurs 9 med ca. 610 studenter och 65 anställda. Vi följer den svenska läroplanen och har upp till 50 % av undervisningen på engelska. Vi öppnade våra dörrar i augusti 2021 och har haft tre mycket framgångsrika år med att etablera en skola som är stark inom IES-kulturen. Vi finns i det Charlottendal området av Gustavsberg, ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med enkel pendling från stan och en direktbusshållplats utanför skolan.

Vår skola är en gemenskap av yrkesverksamma och oavsett om du är ny legitimerad eller en erfaren pedagog kommer du att få möjlighet att utvecklas. För att lära dig mer om vår skola besök: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker en legitimerad hemkunskapslärare för att arbeta med våra elever i årskurs 6-9 med början i augusti 2024. Observera att detta endast är en 70 % tjänst.

Du måste vara kunnig och brinner för din undervisning. Du är en ledare i klassrummet med verktygen för att skapa en lugn lärmiljö. Du differentierar din undervisning för att möta alla dina elevers behov. Som mentor för 16 elever kommer du att stödja dem i att förverkliga sin fulla potential, oavsett bakgrund. Du är också en fantastisk lagspelare som tillför en positiv attityd och energi till de team som du arbetar med.

Vi behöver söker dig som har:

Svensk "lärarlegitimation"

Bra kunskaper i det engelska språket

Ansök nu genom att skicka in ditt CV och ett personligt brev. Rekrytering sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så ansök så snart som möjligt. Mejla gärna ytterligare frågor till [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Ages 11 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a Swedish Qualified English teacher for grades 6 to 9 (ages 12- 16) to join our team.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in English. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Civics, History, Religion

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

På Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) gör vi skillnad i våra elevers liv. Vi tror att detta beror på vår tydliga etos med engagerade och synliga ledare som skapar en miljö där lärare kan undervisa och elever lär sig. IES skolor har en dynamisk internationell atmosfär med personal och elever från hela världen.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna Kindergarten (F-klass) - årskurs 9 med ca. 610 studenter och 65 anställda. Vi följer den svenska läroplanen och har upp till 50 % av undervisningen på engelska. Vi öppnade våra dörrar i augusti 2021 och har haft tre mycket framgångsrika år med att etablera en skola som är stark inom IES-kulturen. Vi finns i det Charlottendal området av Gustavsberg, ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med enkel pendling från stan och en direktbusshållplats utanför skolan.

Vår skola är en gemenskap av yrkesverksamma och oavsett om du är ny legitimerad eller en erfaren pedagog kommer du att få möjlighet att utvecklas. För att lära dig mer om vår skola besök: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker en legitimerad religon, samhällskunskap och historia lärare för att arbeta med våra elever i årskurs 4-9 med början i augusti 2024. Observera att detta endast är en 75 % tjänst.

Du måste vara kunnig och brinner för din undervisning. Du är en ledare i klassrummet med verktygen för att skapa en lugn lärmiljö. Du differentierar din undervisning för att möta alla dina elevers behov. Som mentor för 16 elever kommer du att stödja dem i att förverkliga sin fulla potential, oavsett bakgrund. Du är också en fantastisk lagspelare som tillför en positiv attityd och energi till de team som du arbetar med.

Vi behöver söker dig som har:

Svensk "lärarlegitimation"

Bra kunskaper i det engelska språket

Ansök nu genom att skicka in ditt CV och ett personligt brev. Rekrytering sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så ansök så snart som möjligt. Mejla gärna ytterligare frågor till [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, Swedish, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

På Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) gör vi skillnad i våra elevers liv. Vi tror att detta beror på vår tydliga etos med engagerade och synliga ledare som skapar en miljö där lärare kan undervisa och elever lär sig. IES skolor har en dynamisk internationell atmosfär med personal och elever från hela världen.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna Kindergarten (F-klass) - årskurs 9 med ca. 610 studenter och 65 anställda. Vi följer den svenska läroplanen och har upp till 50 % av undervisningen på engelska. Vi öppnade våra dörrar i augusti 2021 och har haft tre mycket framgångsrika år med att etablera en skola som är stark inom IES-kulturen. Vi finns i det Charlottendal området av Gustavsberg, ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med enkel pendling från stan och en direktbusshållplats utanför skolan.

Vår skola är en gemenskap av yrkesverksamma och oavsett om du är ny legitimerad eller en erfaren pedagog kommer du att få möjlighet att utvecklas. För att lära dig mer om vår skola besök: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker en legitimerad svenska lärare för att arbeta med våra elever i årskurs 7-9 med början i augusti 2024.

Du måste vara kunnig och brinner för din undervisning. Du är en ledare i klassrummet med verktygen för att skapa en lugn lärmiljö. Du differentierar din undervisning för att möta alla dina elevers behov. Som mentor för 16 elever kommer du att stödja dem i att förverkliga sin fulla potential, oavsett bakgrund. Du är också en fantastisk lagspelare som tillför en positiv attityd och energi till de team som du arbetar med.

Vi behöver söker dig som har:

Svensk "lärarlegitimation"

Bra kunskaper i det engelska språket

Ansök nu genom att skicka in ditt CV och ett personligt brev. Rekrytering sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så ansök så snart som möjligt. Mejla gärna ytterligare frågor till [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, Spanish

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

På Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) gör vi skillnad i våra elevers liv. Vi tror att detta beror på vår tydliga etos med engagerade och synliga ledare som skapar en miljö där lärare kan undervisa och elever lär sig. IES skolor har en dynamisk internationell atmosfär med personal och elever från hela världen.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna Kindergarten (F-klass) - årskurs 9 med ca. 610 studenter och 65 anställda. Vi följer den svenska läroplanen och har upp till 50 % av undervisningen på engelska. Vi öppnade våra dörrar i augusti 2021 och har haft tre mycket framgångsrika år med att etablera en skola som är stark inom IES-kulturen. Vi finns i det Charlottendal området av Gustavsberg, ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med enkel pendling från stan och en direktbusshållplats utanför skolan.

Vår skola är en gemenskap av yrkesverksamma och oavsett om du är ny legitimerad eller en erfaren pedagog kommer du att få möjlighet att utvecklas. För att lära dig mer om vår skola besök: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker en legitimerad spanska lärare för att arbeta med våra elever i årskurs 6-9 med början i augusti 2024.

Du måste vara kunnig och brinner för din undervisning. Du är en ledare i klassrummet med verktygen för att skapa en lugn lärmiljö. Du differentierar din undervisning för att möta alla dina elevers behov. Som mentor för 16 elever kommer du att stödja dem i att förverkliga sin fulla potential, oavsett bakgrund. Du är också en fantastisk lagspelare som tillför en positiv attityd och energi till de team som du arbetar med.

Vi behöver söker dig som har:

Svensk "lärarlegitimation"

Bra kunskaper i det engelska språket

Ansök nu genom att skicka in ditt CV och ett personligt brev. Rekrytering sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så ansök så snart som möjligt. Mejla gärna ytterligare frågor till [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Ages 6 - 10

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a Swedish Qualified English teacher for grades Kindergarten to 4 (ages 6 - 10) to join our team.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in English. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se


Om oss:

Internationella Engelska skolan (IES) är en växande friskola som grundades 1993 och nu har ca 30000 elever. Att arbeta inom IES är en möjlighet att arbeta i en internationell miljö med en tydlig pedagogisk tanke. IES Värmdö öppnades hösten 2021 med två paralella klasser från F-ÅK 9. Vi finns i Gustavsberg nära Värmdö marknad och bushållsplats med direkt bus in till Slussen. För mer information besök vår hemsida: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av annonsplatser.


Vi söker nu  fritidspedagog/fritidsledare som kan bidra till att utveckla vårt fritids.

Du kommer att arbeta för att stimulera elevernas lärande och utveckling utifrån elevernas behov, intresse och erfarenheter men också utmana dem genom att inspirera till nya kunskaper.

Du ansvarar för att eleverna erbjuds en variation av arbetssätt, uttrycksformer och lärmiljöer. Tillsammans med dina kollegor planerar, genomför och utvärderar du fritidsverksamheten.

Du kommer att ha ett nära samarbete med vår fritidsansvarig. Som fritidsledare hos oss ska du också arbeta för att erbjuda våra elever en meningsfull fritid genom att uppmuntra till social gemenskap och att stärka grupprelationer.

Du måste tycka att det är roligt, stimulerande och spännande att arbeta på fritids och ge varje elev möjlighet att utvecklas utifrån sina egna förutsättningar och förmågor.


Till denna tjänst söker vi dig som är legitimerad fritidspedagog/fritidsledare med inriktning mot arbete i fritidshem. Du är väl förtrogen med läroplanen och andra styrdokument inom skolområdet och du har god förmåga att arbeta mot uppsatta mål för att utveckla kvalitén på fritidshemmet.

Du är nyfiken, kreativ och du kan inspirera och motivera dina kollegor i arbetslaget. Dina IT-kunskaper är goda och du arbetar med interaktiva verktyg och dokumentation som en självklar del i undervisningen. Goda kunskaper i det svenska och i det engelska språket i tal och skrift krävs för tjänsten. Som person är du trygg och stabil och duktig på att skapa goda relationer med såväl elever som kollegor och vårdnadshavare. Du är klar och tydlig i din kommunikation och har förmåga att motivera och entusiasmera elever till att ta till sig ny kunskap. 

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personliga egenskaper.


Vänligen ladda upp ditt CV och ett personligt brev via http://www.engelska.se/careers

Registerkontroller görs i samband med anställningen.

Intervjuer sker löpande under ansökningstiden. Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

På Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) gör vi skillnad i våra elevers liv. Vi tror att detta beror på vår tydliga etos med engagerade och synliga ledare som skapar en miljö där lärare kan undervisa och elever lär sig. IES skolor har en dynamisk internationell atmosfär med personal och elever från hela världen.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna Kindergarten (F-klass) - årskurs 9 med ca. 610 studenter och 65 anställda. Vi följer den svenska läroplanen och har upp till 50 % av undervisningen på engelska. Vi öppnade våra dörrar i augusti 2021 och har haft tre mycket framgångsrika år med att etablera en skola som är stark inom IES-kulturen. Vi finns i det Charlottendal området av Gustavsberg, ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med enkel pendling från stan och en direktbusshållplats utanför skolan.

Vår skola är en gemenskap av yrkesverksamma och oavsett om du är ny legitimerad eller en erfaren pedagog kommer du att få möjlighet att utvecklas. För att lära dig mer om vår skola besök: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker en legitimerad slöjdlärare för att arbeta med våra elever i årskurs 3-9 med början i augusti 2024.

Du måste vara kunnig och brinner för din undervisning. Du är en ledare i klassrummet med verktygen för att skapa en lugn lärmiljö. Du differentierar din undervisning för att möta alla dina elevers behov. Som mentor för 16 elever kommer du att stödja dem i att förverkliga sin fulla potential, oavsett bakgrund. Du är också en fantastisk lagspelare som tillför en positiv attityd och energi till de team som du arbetar med.

Vi behöver söker dig som har:

Svensk "lärarlegitimation"

Bra kunskaper i det engelska språket

Ansök nu genom att skicka in ditt CV och ett personligt brev. Rekrytering sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så ansök så snart som möjligt. Mejla gärna ytterligare frågor till [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, French

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 ... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES was established in 1993 and has since grown steadily whilst maintaining its quality.

More about the company and its schools, our history and ethos can be found at www.engelska.se

På Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) gör vi skillnad i våra elevers liv. Vi tror att detta beror på vår tydliga etos med engagerade och synliga ledare som skapar en miljö där lärare kan undervisa och elever lär sig. IES skolor har en dynamisk internationell atmosfär med personal och elever från hela världen.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna Kindergarten (F-klass) - årskurs 9 med ca. 610 studenter och 65 anställda. Vi följer den svenska läroplanen och har upp till 50 % av undervisningen på engelska. Vi öppnade våra dörrar i augusti 2021 och har haft tre mycket framgångsrika år med att etablera en skola som är stark inom IES-kulturen. Vi finns i det Charlottendal området av Gustavsberg, ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med enkel pendling från stan och en direktbusshållplats utanför skolan.

Vår skola är en gemenskap av yrkesverksamma och oavsett om du är ny legitimerad eller en erfaren pedagog kommer du att få möjlighet att utvecklas. För att lära dig mer om vår skola besök: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker en legitimerad franska lärare för att arbeta med våra elever i årskurs 6-9 med början i augusti 2024.

Du måste vara kunnig och brinner för din undervisning. Du är en ledare i klassrummet med verktygen för att skapa en lugn lärmiljö. Du differentierar din undervisning för att möta alla dina elevers behov. Som mentor för 16 elever kommer du att stödja dem i att förverkliga sin fulla potential, oavsett bakgrund. Du är också en fantastisk lagspelare som tillför en positiv attityd och energi till de team som du arbetar med.

Vi behöver söker dig som har:

Svensk "lärarlegitimation"

Bra kunskaper i det engelska språket

Ansök nu genom att skicka in ditt CV och ett personligt brev. Rekrytering sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så ansök så snart som möjligt. Mejla gärna ytterligare frågor till [email protected]

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, Swedish, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Swedish teacher to teach our Middle and Senior School students (ÅK 4-9), along with mentorship in a class of either Middle or Senior school. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in Swedish or SVA. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Mathematics, Ages 11 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for great teachers to join our team for the 2024/25 school year. We are currently looking for a qualified Math teacher to work with our Senior School students (grades 6-9) along with mentorship in Senior School.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” OR a Qualified Teacher Status from abroad
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with qualified teacher candidates as per the requirements above. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

School Nurse

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se


Internationella Engelska Skolan har gjort stor skillnad för våra elever i 30 år. Vi är övertygade om att det är tack vare vårt tydliga etos med engagerade och närvarande ledare som våra skolor har en miljö där alla arbetar mot gemensamma mål. Hos oss får du möjlighet att besöka världen fast på hemmaplan.

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna F-9 med 610 elever och 65 medarbetare. Vi är en tvåspråkig skola som följer den svenska läroplanen. Vi är en nyöppnad skola som öppnade augusti 2021 och har haft två starka år. Vi befinner oss i Charlottendal området ca 2 km från Gustavsbergs hamn med lätt kommunikation till stan och en busshållplats precis utanför.

Vi söker en legitimerad skolsköterska, som tillsammans med övriga medarbetare i vårt tvärprofessionella elevhälsoteam (Student Care Team, SCT), vill vara med och säkerställa det hälsofrämjande arbetet på skolan. Att jobba i vår skola är att vara del av en professionell gemenskap och samarbete. I vårt SCT ingår speciallärare, studie- och yrkesvägledare, skolsköterska, skolpsykolog, och kurator. SCT:s arbete leds av biträdande rektor. IES har en central elevhälsa med samordnare för de olika professionerna i den samlade elevhälsan som arbetar för en god och likvärdig elevhälsa med stort fokus på hälsofrämjande och förebyggande insatser.

I tjänsten ingår sedvanliga arbetsuppgifter för skolsköterska arbete som bl.a. innefattar hälsosamtal, öppen mottagning, läkarmottagning, vaccinationer samt förebyggande hälsoarbete.

Vi söker

- Specialistsjuksköterska med specialistutbildning i barn- och ungdom eller distriktssköterska alternativt skolsköterska enligt skolsköterskeprogrammet
- Ett stort intresse för hälsofrämjande och förebyggande insatser
- Engagemang och ett genuint intresse för att jobba med barn och ungdomar
- God förmåga att samverka samt kan ta egna initiativ
- Tidigare erfarenhet som skolsköterska eller liknande arbete är meriterande

Har du frågor eller funderingar kring tjänsten, vänligen kontakta biträdande rektor Brayden Scarlett, [email protected], eller verksamhetschef för elevhälsan IES; Helena Lüning, [email protected].

Lön enligt överenskommelse, kollektivavtal finns.

Skriv gärna ett personligt brev, bifoga CV och ansöka idag. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.

Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, History, Religion

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified History and Religion teacher for grades 7 to 9 (ages 13- 16) to join our team. Please observe that this is only a 50% position. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in History and Religion.

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Ages 11 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified English teacher for grades 6 to 9 (ages 12- 16) to join our team.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in English. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Home Economics, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Home Economics teacher to work with our Grade 6-9 students and join us in August 2023. Please be aware that this is only a 60% position.  

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Science and Technology teacher for grades 5 to 9 (ages 11- 16) to join our team.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in the NO-subjects including technology. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, French

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified French teacher for grades 6 and 9 (ages 11- 16) to join our team. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in French. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Ages 6 - 10

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified English teacher for grades Kindergarten to 4 (ages 6 - 10) to join our team.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in English. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Civics, History, Religion

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Religion, Civics, and History teacher for grades 4 to 6 (ages 10- 12) to join our team. Please observe that this is only a 75% position.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in Religion, Civics, and History. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Spanish

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Spanish teacher for grades 6 and 9 (ages 11- 16) to join our team. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in Spanish. 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for qualified Craft teachers for grades 3 to 9 (ages 10- 16) to join our team.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

Please observe that at this point we will only be contacting and booking interviews with candidates with a Swedish lärarlegitimation in one of the Craft subjects (trä/sy-slöjd). 

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified English teacher for grades 6 to 9 (ages 12- 16) to join us.

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se


Om oss:

Internationella Engelska skolan (IES) är en växande friskola som grundades 1993 och nu har ca 30000 elever. Att arbeta inom IES är en möjlighet att arbeta i en internationell miljö med en tydlig pedagogisk tanke. IES Värmdö öppnades hösten 2021 med två paralella klasser från F-ÅK 9. Vi finns i Gustavsberg nära Värmdö marknad och bushållsplats med direkt bus in till Slussen. För mer information besök vår hemsida: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av annonsplatser.


Vi söker nu  fritidspedagog/fritidsledare som kan bidra till att utveckla vårt fritids.

Du kommer att arbeta för att stimulera elevernas lärande och utveckling utifrån elevernas behov, intresse och erfarenheter men också utmana dem genom att inspirera till nya kunskaper.

Du ansvarar för att eleverna erbjuds en variation av arbetssätt, uttrycksformer och lärmiljöer. Tillsammans med dina kollegor planerar, genomför och utvärderar du fritidsverksamheten.

Du kommer att ha ett nära samarbete med vår fritidsansvarig. Som fritidsledare hos oss ska du också arbeta för att erbjuda våra elever en meningsfull fritid genom att uppmuntra till social gemenskap och att stärka grupprelationer.

Du måste tycka att det är roligt, stimulerande och spännande att arbeta på fritids och ge varje elev möjlighet att utvecklas utifrån sina egna förutsättningar och förmågor.


Till denna tjänst söker vi dig som är legitimerad fritidspedagog/fritidsledare med inriktning mot arbete i fritidshem. Du är väl förtrogen med läroplanen och andra styrdokument inom skolområdet och du har god förmåga att arbeta mot uppsatta mål för att utveckla kvalitén på fritidshemmet.

Du är nyfiken, kreativ och du kan inspirera och motivera dina kollegor i arbetslaget. Dina IT-kunskaper är goda och du arbetar med interaktiva verktyg och dokumentation som en självklar del i undervisningen. Goda kunskaper i det svenska och i det engelska språket i tal och skrift krävs för tjänsten. Som person är du trygg och stabil och duktig på att skapa goda relationer med såväl elever som kollegor och vårdnadshavare. Du är klar och tydlig i din kommunikation och har förmåga att motivera och entusiasmera elever till att ta till sig ny kunskap. 

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personliga egenskaper.


Vänligen ladda upp ditt CV och ett personligt brev via http://www.engelska.se/careers

Registerkontroller görs i samband med anställningen.

Intervjuer sker löpande under ansökningstiden. Visa mindre

Teacher, Science and technology , Ages 11 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Senior school Science and technology Teacher for grades 5 and up (ages 11- 16) to join us. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Home Economics, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Home Economics teacher to work with our Grade 6-9 students and join us in August 2023. Please be aware that this is only a 60% position.  

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Lärare i samhällskunskap, historia och religion

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

?Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har haft två lyckade läsår och ser fram emot vårt första år med ÅK 9 elever! Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. För att lära dig mer om vår skola, besök vår hemsida: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker nu en behöriga lärare i historia, samhällskunskap och religion till årskurserna 4-9,  för vårt tredje skolår. Du kommer också vara mentor för 16 elever och stötta dem i deras sociala och kunskapsutveckling samt kommunicera regerlbundet med deras vårdnadshavare.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen. Vissa elever har eventuellt inte svenska (eller engelska) som modersmål och du kommer därför att behöva anpassa din undervisning för att kunna möta varje elevs individuella behov.

Passionerad för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Bifoga cv och personligt brev i ansökan. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Om du har några frågor mejla gärna till [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for qualified Textiles (Craft/Slöjd) teacher to join us in August 2023. We have a newly built school with a combined wood/textiles classroom to allow for holistic projects and a great deal of collaboration. Teacher applying for this position should be excited to work in a collaborative space team teaching with another qualified craft teacher. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, French, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified French teacher for grades 6 and 9 (ages 12- 12) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Substitute, Ages 6 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Non Permanent Teacher or Fritids Substitute, Internationella Engelska Skolan in Värmdö

We are looking for substitute teaching and fritids staff to work at an hourly rate covering short term teacher absences as and when needed. The position is non contractual and work can be offered sporadically and at short notice.

We are looking for candidates who:

-          Are reliable, flexible and able to work at short notice.

-          Are able to follow and execute lesson plans set by the class teacher.

-          Have previous experience and/or are qualified to work with children.

-          Have excellent English language skills and preferably also proficient in Swedish.

-          Are confident and enthusiastic and able to show initiative.

Please note that in order to be eligible for the position you must live in the Stockholm area and already be eligible for work in Sweden. You will also have to provide a Police Clearance check prior to beginning work. 

The closing date for applications is on 15th, December 2023. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. Visa mindre

Teacher, Spanish, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Spanish teacher for grades 6 and 9 (ages 12- 12) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Swedish “lärarlegitimation”
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Lärare i historia och religion

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

?Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har haft två lyckade läsår och ser fram emot vårt första år med ÅK 9 elever! Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. För att lära dig mer om vår skola, besök vår hemsida: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker nu en behörig lärare i Historia och rekigion till årskurserna 4-9,  för vårt tredje skolår. Du kommer också vara mentor för 16 elever och stötta dem i deras sociala och kunskapsutveckling samt kommunicera regerlbundet med deras vårdnadshavare.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen. Vissa elever har eventuellt inte svenska (eller engelska) som modersmål och du kommer därför att behöva anpassa din undervisning för att kunna möta varje elevs individuella behov.

Passionerad för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Bifoga cv och personligt brev i ansökan. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Om du har några frågor mejla gärna till [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for qualified Textiles (Craft/Slöjd) teacher to join us in August 2023. We have a newly built school with a combined wood/textiles classroom to allow for holistic projects and a great deal of collaboration. Teacher applying for this position should be excited to work in a collaborative space team teaching with another qualified craft teacher. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Music, Ages 6 - 9

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for qualified Music teacher to join us in August 2023 to teach music to our primary students (Years 1-3). Please be aware that this is a 20% position, and teachers applying must have their Swedish teaching qualification as wrll as Fluency in Swedish. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Art, Ages 10 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Art teacher for grades 2 to 9 (ages 8- 16) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, F-klass, Ages 5 - 7

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola?

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har haft två lyckade läsår och ser fram emot vårt första år med ÅK 9 elever! Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. För att lära dig mer om vår skola, besök vår hemsida: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker nu en behörig förskollärare till vårt tredje skolår! Du kommer att undervisa i en förskoleklass, som klasslärare och jobba tillsammans med kollegor på fritids och den andra förskoleklassen, samt med lågstadiet teamet. Vårt mål är att erbjuda en skola med hög kvalité där alla barn känner att de får chansen att lyckas och nå deras högsta potential. Du ska också vara en mentor för klassens elever och hålla kontakt med deras vårdnadshavare.  

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen. Vissa elever har eventuellt inte svenska (eller engelska) som modersmål och du kommer därför att behöva anpassa din undervisning för att kunna möta varje elevs individuella behov.

Passion för ditt yrke: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska skola och lärandet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Bifoga cv och personligt brev i ansökan. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Om du har några frågor mejla gärna till [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Home Economics, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Home Economics teacher to work with our Grade 6-9 students and join us in August 2023. Please be aware that this is only a 60% position.  

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Mathematics, Science, Ages 10 - 12

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Middle School (Elementary School) teacher for grades 4 and 5 (ages 10- 12) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Class Teacher, Ages 6 - 9

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola?

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har haft två lyckade läsår och ser fram emot vårt första år med ÅK 9 elever! Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. För att lära dig mer om vår skola, besök vår hemsida: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker nu en behörig lärare till lågstadiet, närmare ÅK 1 för vårt tredje skolår! Du kommer att undervisa i en klass i ÅK 1 som klasslärare och jobba tillsammans med lågstadiet teamet med vårt mål att erbjuda en skola med hög kvalité där alla barn känner att de får chansen att lyckas och nå deras högsta potential. Du ska också vara en mentor för klassens elever och hålla kontakt med deras vårdnadshavare.  

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen. Vissa elever har eventuellt inte svenska (eller engelska) som modersmål och du kommer därför att behöva anpassa din undervisning för att kunna möta varje elevs individuella behov.

Passion för ditt yrke: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska skola och lärandet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Bifoga cv och personligt brev i ansökan. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Om du har några frågor mejla gärna till [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for qualified Wood/Metal and/or Textiles (Craft/Slöjd) teachers to join us in August 2023. We have a newly built school with a combined wood/textiles classroom to allow for holistic projects and a great deal of collaboration. Teacher applying for this position should be excited to work in a collaborative space team teaching with another qualified craft teacher. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Science and technology , Ages 11 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Senior school Science and technology Teacher for grades 5 and up (ages 11- 16) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Mathematics, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Middle and Senior school Math Teacher for grades 6 and up (ages 12- 16) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, French, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified French teacher for grades 6 and 9 (ages 12- 12) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified English teacher for grades 6 to 9 (ages 12- 16) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Art, Ages 10 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Art teacher for grades 4 to 9 (ages 10- 16) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Spanish, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Spanish teacher for grades 6 and 9 (ages 12- 12) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Home Economics, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Home Economics teacher to work with our Grade 6-9 students and join us in August 2023. Please be aware that this is only a 60% position.  

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Mathematics, Science, Ages 10 - 12

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for a qualified Middle School (Elementary School) teacher for grades 4 and 5 (ages 10- 12) to join us in August 2023. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Teacher, Swedish, Ages 10 - 12

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

?Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har haft två lyckade läsår och ser fram emot vårt första år med ÅK 9 elever! Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. För att lära dig mer om vår skola, besök vår hemsida: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

Vi söker nu en behörig lärare i svenska till mellan stadiet för vårt tredje skolår! Du kommer att undervisa i mellanstadiet tillsammans med andra svenska lärare på arbetslaget. Du kommer också vara mentor för 16 elever och stötta de i deras social och kunskapsutveckling samt kommunicera regerlbundet med deras vårdnadshavare.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen. Vissa elever har eventuellt inte svenska (eller engelska) som modersmål och du kommer därför att behöva anpassa din undervisning för att kunna möta varje elevs individuella behov.

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Bifoga cv och personligt brev i ansökan. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Om du har några frågor mejla gärna till [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades Kindergarten (F-klass) - Grade 9 with ca. 610 students students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We opened our doors in August of 2021 and have had two very successful first years establishing a school strong in the IES Culture. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Gustavsberg, ca 2 Km from the Gustavsberg harbour with easy commuter access from the city and a direct bus line stop outside the school.

Our school is a community of professionals and whether new to teaching or an experienced educator, you will have the opportunity to develop. To learn more about our school please visit: https://engelska.se/our-schools/varmdo/

We are looking for qualified Wood/Metal and/or Textiles (Craft/Slöjd) teachers to join us in August 2023. We have a newly built school with a combined wood/textiles classroom to allow for holistic projects and a great deal of collaboration. Teacher applying for this position should be excited to work in a collaborative space team teaching with another qualified craft teacher. 

You must be knowledgeable and passionate about your teaching. You are a leader in the classroom with the tools to create a calm learning environment. You differentiate your teaching to meet the needs of all your students. As a mentor to 16 students you will support them to realise their full potential, whatever their background. You are also a great team player who brings a positive attitude and energy to the teams that you work with.

We require

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 
- Fluency in the English language

Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible. Feel free to email any further questions to [email protected]

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se


Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision?  Är du entusiastisk och vill vara med och utveckla vår skola i Värmdö som växer? Vi börjar nu söka Fritidspedagoger/lärare till det 23/24 akademiskt lässår. 

IES Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021 med ca 450 elever i årskurs F-7. Vi är nu i vårt andra år och har utökat antal elever och personal. Idag är vi ca 60 medarbetare och 550 elever från F-8, nästa år planerar vi att ha 610 elever från F-9 . På IES Värmdö fokuserar vi på gemenskap och på en skolmiljö uppbyggd på våra IES värdegrundar: Tvåspråkighet, en lugn och trygg skolmiljö, och höga akademiska förväntningar. IES Värmdö ligger i Charlottendal området en kort promenad från Gustavsbergs centrum. Vi ligger precis bredvid en busshållsplats som gör att det är en enkel pendling från stan med frekventa snabba bussar. 


Vi söker nu  fritidspedagog som kan bidra till att utveckla vårt fritids i linje med styrdokumenten. Du kommer att arbeta för att stimulera elevernas lärande och utveckling utifrån elevernas behov, intresse och erfarenheter men också utmana dem genom att inspirera till nya kunskaper. Du ansvarar för att eleverna erbjuds en variation av arbetssätt, uttrycksformer och lärmiljöer. Tillsammans med dina kollegor planerar, genomför och utvärderar du fritidsverksamheten. Du kommer att ha ett nära samarbete med vår fritidsansvarig. 

Som lärare i fritidshem hos oss ska du också arbeta för att erbjuda våra elever en meningsfull fritid genom att uppmuntra till social gemenskap och att stärka grupprelationer. Du måste tycka att det är roligt, stimulerande och spännande att undervisa elever på fritidshemmet och ge varje elev möjlighet att utvecklas utifrån sina egna förutsättningar och förmågor.


Till denna tjänst söker vi dig som är legitimerad fritidspedagog/fritidsledare med inriktning mot arbete i fritidshem.

Du är väl förtrogen med läroplanen och andra styrdokument inom skolområdet och du har god förmåga att arbeta mot uppsatta mål för att utveckla kvalitén på fritidshemmet. Du är nyfiken, kreativ och du kan inspirera och motivera dina kollegor i arbetslaget.

Dina IT-kunskaper är goda och du arbetar med interaktiva verktyg och dokumentation som en självklar del i undervisningen. Goda kunskaper i det svenska och i det engelska språket i tal och skrift krävs för tjänsten. 

Som person är du trygg och stabil och duktig på att skapa goda relationer med såväl elever som kollegor och vårdnadshavare. Du är klar och tydlig i din kommunikation och har förmåga att motivera och entusiasmera elever till att ta till sig ny kunskap. Du jobbar också systematiskt med kvalite inom fritidshemmet och tycker det är interessant och engagerande med systematiskt kvalitesarbetet.

Är du en person som strävar framåt samt har ett positivt och inkluderande förhållningssätt till elever, kollegor och vårdnadshavare? Älskar du att se elever lyckas och att spela en viktig roll för deras framgång? Då kan du vara den vi söker. Välkommen med din ansökan på vår hemsida: apply.engelska.se

Med ytterligare frågar kontakta Brayden Scarlett: [email protected] Visa mindre


Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Skulle du bli en bra förebild för våra elever? Har du goda kunskaper om grundläggande fastighetsskötsel? Är du serviceinriktad och tycker om att ta initiativ?

Om du vill arbeta i en stimulerande, internationell miljö med härliga elever och professionella kollegor kan du vara vår nya vaktmästare.

I tjänsten ingår bland annat:

-Att felanmäla till hyresvärden och att följa upp felanmälningar.

-Att sköta underhållet av skolan och säkerställa att skolmiljön fungerar på ett smidigt och ändamålsenligt sätt. Detta omfattar t.ex. skötsel av skolans inventarier samt att montera och installera nya inventarier.

-Att låsa och låsa upp byggnader vid lämpliga tidpunkter. 

-Att ta emot och leverera varor. 

-Viss rengöring vid behov. 

-Att se till att regler för säkerhet efterföljs.

-Att genomföra rutinmässiga kontroller gällande den fysiska arbetsmiljön och brandskyddet.

-Att samordna med entreprenörer på skolan samt att hålla skolledningen uppdaterad gällande arbete och underhåll.

Du ska ha goda kunskaper om fastighetsskötsel och gårdsskötsel och erfarenhet av serviceinriktat arbete. Det är meriterande om du har grundläggande miljömedvetenhet och kunskap om arbetsmiljö, brandskydd, elsäkerhet och EU-regler. 

Både engelska och svenska används på skolan.

Tjänsten är på 100% med start omgående. 

B-körkort är ett krav samt ett utdrag ur polisens belastningsregister. Visa mindre

School Counsellor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se


Internationella Engelska Skolan har gjort stor skillnad för våra elever i 29 år. Vi är övertygade om att det är tack vare vårt tydliga etos med engagerade och närvarande ledare som våra skolor har en miljö där alla arbetar mot gemensamma mål. Hos oss få du möjlighet att besöka världen fast på hemmaplan.

IES Värmdö är en skola för förskoleklass samt årskurserna 1-9 med 600 elever och 65 medarbetare. Vi är en tvåspråkig skola som följer den svenska läroplanen. Vi är en relativ nyöppnad skola som är i vår andra läsår. Vi befinner oss i Charlottendal området, nära till Gustavsberg centrum med busshållplats direkt utanför skolan för de som pendlar från stan. 

Vi söker nu en skolkurator på heltid för åk F-9 med tillträde så snart som möjligt.

Att jobba i vår skola är att vara del av en professionell gemenskap och samarbete. I vårt tvärprofessionella elevhälsoteam (Student Care Team, SCT) ingår speciallärare, studie- och yrkesvägledare, skolsköterska, skolpsykolog, och kurator. IES har en central elevhälsa med samordnare för de olika professionerna i den samlade elevhälsan som arbetar för en god och likvärdig elevhälsa med stort fokus på hälsofrämjande och förebyggande insatser. Det är viktigt att du har en bra kommunikationsförmåga och känner dig trygg i vad du kan bidra med samt prestigelös i vart andra kan bidra för barnens bästa. Tidigare erfarenhet av att jobba på ett elevhälsoteam är meriterande. 

Skolkuratorn ska framförallt medverka till att skolan arbetar hälsofrämjande och förebyggande, för att skapa en god miljö för eleverna. Detta kan innebära till exempel förebyggande workshops, grupp utbildningar, att handleda lärarna och andra skolpersonal och jobba med utvecklingen av barnen psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Målet för kuratorns arbete är att arbeta systematiskt och holistic för att ha så stor påverkan på eleverna som möjligt. Detta arbete sker på olika nivåer: individ, grupp och organisation.

Vi söker

- Socionomutbildning eller likvärdig högskoleutbildning
- Dokumenterad kunskap och erfarenhet från stödjande arbete med barn och ungdomar
- Erfarenhet av samarbete med andra funktioner så som ex. BUP och IFO
- Självständig med god förmåga att samverka

Skriv gärna ett personligt brev, bifoga CV och ansöka idag. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Ansök gärna via Internationella Engelska Skolans careers hemsida. Vid eventuella frågor maila till [email protected]

Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, Art, Home Economics, Ages 10 - 15

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 46 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

IES Värmdö is a newly started school with Kindergarten through grade 8 this academic year, with plans to grow up to grade 9 in the coming years with a total of 620 students. The school has an international focus where teaching is conducted in both English and Swedish. The school works to put learning and knowledge first. Students learn to take personal responsibility for their own development and work environment and to respect their schoolmates, teachers and themselves.

We are now looking for someone to work a 100% position at our school teaching both Art and Home Economics from grades 4 to 8 from Jan 2023; the position will evolve over the coming years to have either a greater Art or Home Ec focus. The position involves planning and preparing for these lessons each week, as well as assessments, grading, and evaluation of the pedagogical work. As a member of the school's aesthetics department you will be able to work on a team doing not only cooperative planning but also focusing on moderated marking to ensure high integrity in grade setting. 

You will work in an international and stimulating environment where commitment, professionalism and the English language are common denominators. Academic expectations are high and we work in a school where good conditions for teaching and learning are established. 

You should be a qualified teacher in Art or Home Economics, with experience planning and teaching in one of these subjects. This position requires commitment, responsibility and the ability to plan. It is merited if you have good knowledge of the Swedish curriculum and additional current governing documents.

If you are interested in the position, please apply via the IES careers home page or by emailing [email protected]. If you'd like to learn more about the position or our school, please visit our website at www.varmdo.engelska.se.

Kind regards/Med vänliga hälsningar,

IES Värmdö Recruitment administrator, Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We continue to grow, and this year we have from Kindergarten to Year 8. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school from Slussen. 

We are looking for several members to join our Fritids team for the 2022/23 academic year! We have many students in both our morning and afternoon Fritids and are looking for people who are creative, engaged, and enthusiastic about giving students a high quality of Fritids education. If you are interested in the role you should:

- Enjoy planning engaging curriculum based activities which allow a space for student voice and influence.
- Be passionate about working with students to create a structured but fun and creative environment.
- Be a flexible team player who works hard to uphold the IES Ethos of a bilingual, calm orderly environment with high expectations. 
- Be a qualified Fritidspedagog, fritidsledare; experience working in Fritids is of merit as well.
- Be fluent in both English and Swedish

If you are interested in the position, please submit your application here via our IES careers database. If you are interested; please submit your application here or through our recruitment email at [email protected]

In order to be successful for the role you will need to provide the school with both an up to date police clearance report, as well as proof of citizenship or visa showing right to live and work in Sweden. Visa mindre

Teacher, Substitute, Ages 5 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

IES Värmdö söker timvikarier

Vi söker nu lärarvikarier för undervisning i åk. K-9 samt/eller fritidsverksamheten. Du kommer att rycka in och täcka upp för lektioner i enlighet med den lektionsplanering som finns. Vanligtvis blir du kontaktad på morgonen för att vikariera i klasser samma dag eller möjligen kommande. På IES Värmdö eftersträvar vi tydliga ramar i klassrummet/skolan, tydligt ledarskap på lektioner och rak kommunikation mellan personal och elever. Fokus ligger på lärande, studiemiljön och skolans förväntningar som följs av både elever och lärare.

Vi söker dig som:

- kan genomföra lektioner i enlighet med klasslärarens/fritids planering
- har tidigare erfarenhet av och/eller kunskap om arbete med barn
- behärskar svenska och / eller engelska
- är trygg i sig själv och är en bra förebild för våra elever.

Välkommen med din ansökan!

IES Värmdö is looking for substitute teachers per hour

We are now looking for substitute teachers in Year K-9 including/or within Fritids. This day to day work involves teaching various lessons following lesson plans provided by the absent teacher. You will be called, usually in the morning, to cover lessons the same day or on following days. At IES Värmdö, we promote structured lessons, clear communication and a supportive learning environment. 

We are looking for someone who:

- can follow lesson plans and manage a class of students
- has worked in a school or with children or young people before
- has good Swedish or English skills
- is confident and a good role model for our students.

We are looking forward to your application

Please note that to be successful in becoming at substitute teacher at our school you will need to provide an up to date police clearance report as well as proof of citizenship/visa proving right to live and work in Sweden. Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

We are looking for several members to join our Fritids team starting from the 2022/23 academic year! We have many students in both our morning and afternoon Fritids and are looking for people who are creative, engaged, and enthusiastic about giving students a high quality of Fritids education. If you are interested in the role you should:

- Enjoy planning engaging curriculum based activities which allow a space for student voice and influence.
- Be passionate about working with students to create a structured but fun and creative environment.
- Be a flexible team player who works hard to uphold the IES Ethos of a bilingual, calm orderly environment with high expectations. 
- Be a qualified Fritidspedagog, fritidsledare; experience working in Fritids is of merit as well.
- Be fluent in both English and Swedish

If you are interested in the position, please submit your application here via our IES careers database. If you are interested; please submit your application here or through our recruitment email at [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att utveckla en helt ny IES-skola?

Vi söker en sy-slöjdlärare till vår skola på Värmdö. Att kunna undervisa i syslöjd. I tjänsten ingår också en del av HKK undervisning.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar

och erfarenheter från hela världen. 

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans medandra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi startade upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. Är du engelsktalande går det bra att undervisa på engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö till [email protected]. Namnge din ansökan  med "Slöjdlärare". Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. 

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se Visa mindre

Teacher, Art, Home Economics, Ages 10 - 12

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

IES Värmdö is a newly started school with Kindergarten through grade 7 this academic year, with plans to grow up to grade 9 in the coming years with a total of 620 students. The school has an international focus where teaching is conducted in both English and Swedish. The school works to put learning and knowledge first. Students learn to take personal responsibility for their own development and work environment and to respect their schoolmates, teachers and themselves.

We are now looking for someone to work a 60% position at our school teaching both Art and Home Economics from grades 4 to 7 for remainder of this academic year; the position will be 100% for next academic year, so you should be prepared to increase your working time after the summer. The position involves planning and preparing for these lessons each week, as well as assessments, grading, and evaluation of the pedagogical work. As a member of the school's aesthetics department you will be able to work on a team doing not only cooperative planning but also focusing on moderated marking to ensure high integrity in grade setting. 

You will work in an international and stimulating environment where commitment, professionalism and the English language are common denominators. Academic expectations are high and we work in a school where good conditions for teaching and learning are established. 

This position requires commitment, responsibility and the ability to plan. It is merited if you have good knowledge of the Swedish curriculum and additional current governing documents.

If you are interested in the position, please apply via the IES careers home page. If you'd like to learn more about the position or our school, please visit our website at www.varmdo.engelska.se.

Kind regards/Med vänliga hälsningar,

IES Värmdö Recruitment administrator, Visa mindre

Teacher, Spanish, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Spanskalärare 100%

Vi söker dig som är behörig lärare i Spanska. Vi vill att du har lärarexamen samt lärarlegitimation. I tjänsten ingår delat mentorskap för en klass. Din undervisning sker på Spanska men grundläggande kunskaper i engelska och svenska är en förutsättning.

Personliga kvalifikationer

Du är utåtriktad, social och en relationsbyggare med goda ledaregenskaper som inspirerar både elever och arbetskamrater. Du är även bra på att prioritera på ett effektivt sätt, och känner dig bekväm med att arbeta självständigt. Du har ett tydligt ledarskap i klassrummet och ansvarar för planering, genomförande, bedömning och utvärdering av undervisningen. Du är noggrann och strukturerad och har en god förmåga att formulera dig väl på svenska och engelska i tal och skrift. Du är en van IT-användare och sätter dig snabbt in i nya datasystem. 

Vi erbjuder dig ett varierande och utvecklande arbete med goda förutsättningar för personlig utveckling, en arbetsplats med välkomnande atmosfär. Hos oss får du möjlighet att arbeta i en internationell miljö med duktiga och engagerade medarbetare från många olika länder. Vi finns i Charlottendals område i Gustasvberg i en nybyggnad omgiven av naturen. På vår skola går idag ca. 520 elever från årskurs F till årskurs 8 med planer att utvecklas till årkurs 9 läsåret 2023/24

Intervjuer sker löpande då tjänsten startar 2022-08-09. Visa mindre

School IT

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. At IES the international perspective is part of your every day, you can visit the world without leaving home.

IES Värmdö is a school for grades F-9  with 620 students and 65 staff. We follow the Swedish national curriculum with up to 50% of teaching in English. We are located in Gustavsberg on Värmdö in a brand new building.

Do you have a passion for IT and enjoy sharing your knowledge? Would you be a good role model for our students? Do you have knowledge of safety and security?

The main responsibilities involve local:

- Site security to keep students and staff safe and managing the keys and lock system in the school, including locking/unlocking the building digitally at appropriate times.
- Preparing areas of the school for activities including assemblies, functions, meetings, etc.
- IT Resource planning and maintenance (using existing suppliers and solutions)
- IT Support and training (staff and students)
- IT Operations (informing service providers on issues).

The role is entry level and diverse. You may find yourself assisting within a classroom environment and hosting workshops and training modules tailored for staff and students one day, whilst fixing other things that the school needs help with the next. All our IT services are provided by external drift partners who you will be in close contact with for support and maintenance. Our main platform is Google Workspace for Education (formerly known as Google Apps).

Who are you?

We are looking for a team player who enjoys being involved in many areas at the same time. You are a positive person which enables you to give the best support and build confidence in the ICT area for our staff and students. You are service minded and take the initiative.


Apply now by submitting your resume and a covering letter. Recruitment is ongoing and the vacancy may be filled before the closing date, so please apply as soon as possible.

We look forward to reading your application! Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

We are looking for several members to join our Fritids team starting from the 2022/23 academic year! We have many students in both our morning and afternoon Fritids and are looking for people who are creative, engaged, and enthusiastic about giving students a high quality of Fritids education. If you are interested in the role you should:

- Enjoy planning engaging curriculum based activities which allow a space for student voice and influence.
- Be passionate about working with students to create a structured but fun and creative environment.
- Be a flexible team player who works hard to uphold the IES Ethos of a bilingual, calm orderly environment with high expectations. 
- Be a qualified Fritidspedagog, fritidsledare; experience working in Fritids is of merit as well.
- Be fluent in both English and Swedish

If you are interested in the position, please submit your application here via our IES careers database. Applications sent through email risk not being reviewed. Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att utveckla en helt ny IES-skola?

Vi söker en träd-slöjdlärare till vår skola på Värmdö. Att kunna undervisa i trä- och metallslöjds. I tjänsten ingår också en del av HKK undervisning.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar

och erfarenheter från hela världen. 

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans medandra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi startade upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. Är du engelsktalande går det bra att undervisa på engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan  med "Slöjdlärare". Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.

Observera att ansökningar skickat enbart via mejl riskeras att ej återkopplas. 

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se Visa mindre

Teacher, Art, Home Economics, Ages 10 - 12

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

IES Värmdö is a newly started school with Kindergarten through grade 7 this academic year, with plans to grow up to grade 9 in the coming years with a total of 620 students. The school has an international focus where teaching is conducted in both English and Swedish. The school works to put learning and knowledge first. Students learn to take personal responsibility for their own development and work environment and to respect their schoolmates, teachers and themselves.

We are now looking for someone to work a 60% position at our school teaching both Art and Home Economics from grades 4 to 7 for remainder of this academic year; the position will be 100% for next academic year, so you should be prepared to increase your working time after the summer. The position involves planning and preparing for these lessons each week, as well as assessments, grading, and evaluation of the pedagogical work. As a member of the school's aesthetics department you will be able to work on a team doing not only cooperative planning but also focusing on moderated marking to ensure high integrity in grade setting. 

You will work in an international and stimulating environment where commitment, professionalism and the English language are common denominators. Academic expectations are high and we work in a school where good conditions for teaching and learning are established. 

This position requires commitment, responsibility and the ability to plan. It is merited if you have good knowledge of the Swedish curriculum and additional current governing documents.

If you are interested in the position, please apply via the IES careers home page. If you'd like to learn more about the position or our school, please visit our website at www.varmdo.engelska.se or contact our Assistant Principal Mr Brayden Scarlett at [email protected]

Kind regards/Med vänliga hälsningar,

IES Värmdö Recruitment administrator, Visa mindre


Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

?Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att vara med och utveckla arbetet i vår nya IES-skola på Värmdö. 

Vi söker en behörig lärare till vårt lågstadium, med tillträde den 9 augusti. Det mesta av undervisningen är på svenska.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

-Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen. Vissa elever har eventuellt inte svenska (eller engelska) som modersmål och du kommer därför att behöva anpassa din undervisning för att kunna möta varje elevs individuella behov.

-Passion för att sätta en bra grund för elever i lågstadiet: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska skolan och lärandet lika mycket som du gör.

-Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

-Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2022. Vi har startat upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två paralleller i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egna undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker mestadels på svenska medan du bygger en bra grund för engelskan med barnen, och kollegor emellan talar vi engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. (Referens "Lärare i lågstadiet")

Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Visa mindre

Teacher, Art, Home Economics, Ages 11 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

About this vacancy

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with engaged and visible leaders creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. Our schools are open to all with applications from students accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

IES Värmdö is a newly opened school for grades K-9 (K-8 academic year 2022/23) with 520 students and 60 staff. Our school is located in Gustavsberg, just a short bus ride from Slussen in the Charlottendal neighbourhood. We are now looking for a qualified Art teacher to join our team in August 2022. The position is full-time teaching grades 4-8 in art along with several Home Economics lessons, following the Swedish National Curriculum. Lessons can be taught in either English or Swedish, but the language between colleagues is English. The position also includes shared mentorship for a class.

The ideal candidate is self-motivated and passionate about teaching, with high expectations of the students, your colleagues and ultimately yourself.  We are looking for someone who plans creative, engaging lessons and who fosters a love for learning. You are a dedicated and loyal teacher that believes in guiding each student to reach their true potential. We prioritise building relationships with students and commitment to mentorship duties. Your integrity, enthusiasm and positive attitude make you an outstanding role model. 

Required competencies and desired qualifications/experiences:

- Teaching licence/registration with relevant higher education from outside of Sweden (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient) or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” 

- Enthusiastic, committed, team-player that is willing to go the extra mile for students and colleagues.

- Fluency in  English or Swedish and a working knowledge of English

We look forward to reading your application!

With any further questions please contact: [email protected] Visa mindre

Student Care Coordinator

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Social Pedagogue working together with the Student Care Team

At Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) we make a difference in the lives of our students. We believe this is due to our clear ethos with an engaged and visible staff team creating an environment in which teachers can teach and students learn. IES schools have a dynamic international atmosphere with staff and students from all over the world. 

IES Värmdö is a newly opened school for grades K-9 (K-8 academic year 2022/23) with 520 students and 60 staff. Our school is located in Gustavsberg, just a short bus ride from Slussen in the Charlottendal neighbourhood. We are now looking for a Scoail pedagogue to join our Student Care Team starting from August 2022. 

Purpose of the role:

To maintain and promote the IES ethos of a calm and safe learning environment and 'tough love' by fostering a culture of respect and positivity among the students.

Responsibilities and duties will include:

- On a daily basis support the school's positive behaviour through responding to daily incidents, investigations, student support plans, parent meetings, documentation, and reporting.
- Organising positive break time activities with our Senior School students during breaks and class transitions to promote positive behaviour throughout the school.
- Serve as a communication link between Heads of Year (pastoral team leaders), mentors, the Student Care team, and the Assistant Principal regarding daily student wellbeing and daily incidents. 
- Support calmness and order outside of the classroom by being an active and visible presence throughout the school day by actively promoting the schools agreed upon rules.
- Role model and demonstrate appropriate individual student interventions and conversations and both encourage and guide school staff to use these independently with students in line with the IES Ethos.
- Support teachers to provide a calm and safe environment in the classroom where/if required. 
- Contribute as a collaborative member of the student care team assisting in student cases and working preventatively with our 'Plan Mot Kränkande Behandling'.
- The title of this position is Social Pedagogue, and does not include leadership responsibilities. This position reports to the Assistant Principal.

You should have experience working with children and in a school environment. A background and degree related to social pedagogy, education, and/or behavioural psychology is desirable. We are looking for a person who is a positive role model and able to support students in their emotional and social development. You should have excellent communication skills, be adaptable and use initiative to problem solve and create ideas. 

Interviews will be taking place on an ongoing basis, so please send in your application as soon as possible to [email protected]; or apply via our careers site. Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att utveckla en helt ny IES-skola?

Vi söker en slöjdlärare till vår skola på Värmdö. Att kunna undervisa i trä- och metallslöjds kombinerat med textil är en fördel, då vi ser slöjdämnet som ett ämne där träslöjd och textilslöjd är integrerade med varandra. I tjänsten ingår också en del av HKK undervisning.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar

och erfarenheter från hela världen. 

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans medandra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi startade upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. Är du engelsktalande går det bra att undervisa på engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan  med "Slöjdlärare". Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.

Observera att ansökningar skickat enbart via mejl riskeras att ej återkopplas. 

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se Visa mindre

School Librarian

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Job Description: School Librarian

We are currently seeking a Librarian for a parental leave cover at our new school in the Charlottendal area of Värmdö for the academic year 2022/23. IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes going from Kindergarten to Year 7, 16 classes total; over the next 2 years we will continue to expand until we have Kindergarten up to Year 9. This is an exciting opportunity to continue developing an already well-established library. 

As the school librarian you are responsible for leading the school’s library and ensuring it is integrated into the school’s pedagogical organisation. You will work with different methods to strengthen students' reading, through both your own programs and initiatives as well as in cooperation with teaching and fritids staff. This includes for example literature presentations, conversations about books, library visits by classes, along with other activities that build a love for reading. As the school librarian you will also work pedagogically with information technology and digital competency. This includes teaching in source criticism and internet awareness. 

As the school librarian you are also expected to be an active part of the whole school organisation to strengthen the students’ linguistic and digital competence. You will also work to support the school’s values work by working with various groups, promoting books related to the school’s values work, and supporting students in need of various adjustments. You will be a part of the school’s administrative team and will report to the Assistant Principal in weekly meetings. 

Part of the role may also include mentorship of 16 students in a class. Mentorship includes supporting students in their academic and social development, communicating with their parents, and being part of a weekly Mentor meeting with other mentors in the same year groups. 

Who are you?

- You have a degree in library and information science, or a related education that the school deems as equivalent. 
- You have a good knowledge of children and young adult literature as well as knowledge of how to promote a love for reading. 
- You have good knowledge of information sourcing, source criticism, and digital technology usage.
- You believe in the IES Ethos and principles that high expectations, bilingualism, and a calm safe learning environment are best for every student's learning and school environment. You see that you can be a part of creating this environment in the school library. 
- You can take initiative and work independently while also having a strong ability to cooperate with others. 
- You work in a structured way both in how you organise your work, but also in how you approach the physical library space. 
- As we are committed to offering a bilingual environment, you must be fluent in both Swedish and English. 

If you are interested in this position please apply through the IES Careers database. Applications through email risk not being reviewed. Visa mindre

School Caretaker

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har startat upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan ligger i Gustavsberg.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat.

Vi söker nu en vaktmästare till vår nybyggda skola.

I arbetsuppgifterna ingår bla:

- Att låsa och låsa upp byggnader vid lämpliga tidpunkter. 

- Att kontrollera skolan utvändigt och invändigt dagligen.

- Att ta emot och leverera varor. 

- Viss rengöring vid behov. 

- Att se till att regler för säkerhet efterföljs. 

- Att utföra underhållsarbete i lokalerna samt rapporterar eventuella skador.

-Att hjälpa till vid aktiviteter som samlingar och möten etc. 

- Installering och montering av nya produkter.

Vi söker en motiverad medarbetare som är positiv och samarbetsvillig. Förutom att vara ansvarsfull förväntas alla anställda vara välorganiserade, stolta över sina arbetsinsatser samt vara goda förebilder för våra elever. 

Du ska ha goda kunskaper om fastighetsskötsel och gårdsskötsel och erfarenhet av serviceinriktat arbete. Det är meriterande om du har grundläggande miljömedvetenhet och kunskap om arbetsmiljö, brandskydd, elsäkerhet och EU-regler. 

Både engelska och svenska används på skolan.

Tjänsten är på 100%. 

B-körkort är ett krav samt ett utdrag ur polisens belastningsregister.

Skicka din ansökan och cv till rektor Maria Segerstedt på [email protected]  märkt “vaktmästare”.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö opened in August 2021 and will eventually enroll students in grades F-9.  The first year we have students in year F-7. It is a school where every student will be seen and where you will have the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. IES Värmdö will open with completely refurbished buildings and a brand new school yard. The school is located in Gustavsberg.

Internationella Engelska Skolan is a truly international school. We have staff and

students from all over the world contributing to a dynamic international atmosphere.

We are now recruiting a caretaker to our newly built school.

The job will include:  

- Locking and unlocking buildings at appropriate times.- Accepting, and delivering of goods to relevant recipients.- Undertaking occasional cleaning duties as necessary.- Providing security for the site.- Carrying out maintenance tasks,installing and assembling new products. 

- Preparing areas of the School for activities including assemblies, functions, meetings, etc.

- Assisting with the programmed maintenance of the premises, reporting damage and breakage to the management.

- Undertaking such other reasonable duties as requested.

We are looking for a motivated team player who is positive and cooperative. In addition to being a co worker that takes responsibility over their work, all staff are expected to be well organised, take pride in their duties and be good role models for our students. It is an advantage if you have basic environmental awareness and knowledge of health and safety, fire safety, electrical safety and EU rules.

Both English and Swedish are being used in the school.

Please apply if you are a flexible, service minded person with initiative and experience of basic building maintenance and service-oriented work. 

The position is on 100%. 

Drivers licence is required, as well as a police clearance report.

Please send your CV and letter to Maria Segerstedt at [email protected] with the reference “vaktmästare”. Visa mindre

Teacher, Science, Technology, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

In the 2022/23 Academic Year we will continue to grow and are looking for an exceptional Senior Level Science (Biology; Chemistry; Physics; and Technology) teacher to teach our Senior School students (Years 6-8). 

Main duties include:

- Monitor progress and effectiveness of classroom practice and evaluate and modify as necessary
- Provide a stimulating classroom environment for effective teaching and learning
- Maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school, both inside and outside the classroom
- Report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of students
- Maintain good order and discipline among students, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policies
- Mentorship of students is included in this position as well.

You should be a qualified teacher who is fluent in English as this will be your main teaching language. You should also be passionate about providing excellent education in a safe and calm environment for all students. Finally, as the atmosphere of the school is heavily international, you should be excited by the chance and prospects of working in an international environment and community with colleagues from all over the world!

If you are interested in this position please apply through the IES Careers database. Applications through email risk not being reviewed. Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbourhood of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

We are looking for several members to join our Fritids team starting from the 2022/23 academic year! We have many students in both our morning and afternoon Fritids and are looking for people who are creative, engaged, and enthusiastic about giving students a high quality of Fritids education. If you are interested in the role you should:

- Enjoy planning engaging curriculum based activities which allow a space for student voice and influence.
- Be passionate about working with students to create a structured but fun and creative environment.
- Be a flexible team player who works hard to uphold the IES Ethos of a bilingual, calm orderly environment with high expectations. 
- Be a qualified Fritidspedagog, fritidsledare; experience working in Fritids is of merit as well.
- Be fluent in both English and Swedish

If you are interested in the position, please submit your application here via our IES careers database. Applications sent through email risk not being reviewed. Visa mindre


Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Receptionist / Substitute Coordinator

The School Receptionist ensures that students, staff, and visitors receive a high standard of professional support. They are the first point of contact, run the front desk, and project the warmth and professionalism of IES at all times. The receptionist/sub coordinator works closely with the rest of the Administration team made up of our School Administrator, Economist, IT Representative, Librarian, Caretaker, and School Leadership.

In general, the role of Receptionist is to assist the school in the effective management of the front desk. You are the first point of contact for all visitors at the school. The successful receptionist ensures that all visitors, students, and staff receive the highest degree of service while contributing actively to a positive working environment. The role is dynamic and as such the successful candidate should be flexible, positive, and eager to support others in the school in order to create a smooth and calm school day for everyone. 

The role of the Sub Coordinator is to ensure that substitution is organised effectively (either internally or externally) and that all lessons take place as scheduled. This role requires a candidate who is well organised and solutions focused, as well as able to communicate effectively with both internal and external staff about expectations for the day. 

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Receptionist/Sub Coordinator

- Maintain professional, welcoming, and positive main entrance and reception 
- Meet and greet visitors to the school, and signing visitors in and out
- Ordering and receiving orders coming in, organising stationary, books and other incoming orders   
- Record, report, and follow up on students absences when necessary
- Support teachers and students with daily issues as they arise
- Manage and support student locker routines and allocation
- Support School Administrator if necessary
- Plan and organise daily substitution within the school using both internal and external substitutes
- Liaise with external agencies regarding substitution, either long term or short term
- Follow routines for substitution and absence reporting as defined by the school; communicate with School Leadership regarding potential changes needed
- If necessary, plan and/or lead training of new substitutes to the school in order to ensure they are aware of routines and procedures as well as feeling welcomed and able to provide a high level of education to the students

If you think you are the right candidate for us and our amazing school, please upload your CV here on the Careers site! CVs will be reviewed throughout the process. With any additional questions please contact [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, English

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbour of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

In the 2022/23 Academic Year we will continue to grow and are looking for an exceptional Senior level English teacher, teaching our students English in Years 6-8 (ages 12-14). 

Main duties include:

- Monitor progress and effectiveness of classroom practice and evaluate and modify as necessary
- Provide a stimulating classroom environment for effective teaching and learning
- Maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school, both inside and outside the classroom
- Report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of students
- Maintain good order and discipline among students, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policies
- Mentorship of students is included in this position as well.

Please be aware that this role MAY have the potential to be the Head of Department for Languages; based on the experience and qualifications of the candidate. 

You should be a qualified teacher who is fluent in English as this will be your main teaching language; for the Head of Department position we would expect several years of teaching experience in English, preferably from the Swedish education system. You should also be passionate about providing excellent education in a safe and calm environment for all students. Finally, as the atmosphere of the school is heavily international, you should be excited by the chance and prospects of working in an international environment and community with colleagues from all over the world!

If you are interested in the position please upload your CV here to the careers database. With any further questions please feel free to contact Mr Brayden Scarlett, at [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Ages 6 - 10

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbour of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

We are now recruiting teachers for the 2022/23 Academic year and are looking for a Junior School English teacher. The Junior School English Teacher position is an exciting and crucial part of our school as this teacher will teach all our Junior Students (Kindergarten - Year 3) in English. Lessons should be planned at the correct level for all ages, with differentiation for students still learning English and extension activities for those students who are either native English speakers or excel in their English skills. 

Main duties also include:

- Monitor progress and effectiveness of classroom practice and evaluate and modify as necessary
- Provide a stimulating classroom environment for effective teaching and learning
- Maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school, both inside and outside the classroom
- Report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of students
- Maintain good order and discipline among students, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policies
- Mentorship of students is included in this position as well.

You should be a qualified teacher who is fluent in English as this will be your main teaching language. It is beneficial if you also speak a degree of Swedish, as many of our younger students are either new to English, or still not fluent. You should also be passionate about providing excellent education in a safe and calm environment for all students. Finally, as the atmosphere of the school is heavily international, you should be excited by the chance and prospects of working in an international environment and community with colleagues from all over the world!

If you are interested in the position please upload your CV here to the careers database. With any further questions please feel free to contact Mr Brayden Scarlett, at [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Mathematics, Science

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbour of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

In the 2022/23 Academic Year we will continue to grow and are looking for an exceptional Year 6 (students aged 12-13) teacher to teach our Year 6 students in Science and Math. 

Main duties include:

- Monitor progress and effectiveness of classroom practice and evaluate and modify as necessary
- Provide a stimulating classroom environment for effective teaching and learning
- Maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school, both inside and outside the classroom
- Report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of students
- Maintain good order and discipline among students, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policies
- Mentorship of students is included in this position as well.

You should be a qualified teacher who is fluent in English as this will be your main teaching language. You should also be passionate about providing excellent education in a safe and calm environment for all students. Finally, as the atmosphere of the school is heavily international, you should be excited by the chance and prospects of working in an international environment and community with colleagues from all over the world!

If you are interested in the position please upload your CV here to the careers database. With any further questions please feel free to contact Mr Brayden Scarlett, at [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, English, Mathematics

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbour of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

In the 2022/23 Academic Year we will continue to grow and are looking for an exceptional Year 4/5 (students aged 10-12) teacher to teach our Year 4 and 5 students in English and Math. 

Main duties include:

- Monitor progress and effectiveness of classroom practice and evaluate and modify as necessary
- Provide a stimulating classroom environment for effective teaching and learning
- Maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school, both inside and outside the classroom
- Report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of students
- Maintain good order and discipline among students, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policies
- Mentorship of students is included in this position as well.

You should be a qualified teacher who is fluent in English as this will be your main teaching language. You should also be passionate about providing excellent education in a safe and calm environment for all students. Finally, as the atmosphere of the school is heavily international, you should be excited by the chance and prospects of working in an international environment and community with colleagues from all over the world!

If you are interested in the position please upload your CV here to the careers database. With any further questions please feel free to contact Mr Brayden Scarlett, at [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Art, Home Economics, Ages 10 - 12

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

IES Värmdö is a newly started school with Kindergarten through grade 7 this academic year, with plans to grow up to grade 9 in the coming years with a total of 620 students. The school has an international focus where teaching is conducted in both English and Swedish. The school works to put learning and knowledge first. Students learn to take personal responsibility for their own development and work environment and to respect their schoolmates, teachers and themselves.

We are now looking for someone to work a 60% position at our school teaching both Art and Home Economics from grades 4 to 7 for remainder of this academic year; the position will be 100% for next academic year, so you should be prepared to increase your working time after the summer. The position involves planning and preparing for these lessons each week, as well as assessments, grading, and evaluation of the pedagogical work. As a member of the school's aesthetics department you will be able to work on a team doing not only cooperative planning but also focusing on moderated marking to ensure high integrity in grade setting. 

You will work in an international and stimulating environment where commitment, professionalism and the English language are common denominators. Academic expectations are high and we work in a school where good conditions for teaching and learning are established. 

This position requires commitment, responsibility and the ability to plan. It is merited if you have good knowledge of the Swedish curriculum and additional current governing documents.

If you are interested in the position, please apply via the IES careers home page. If you'd like to learn more about the position or our school, please visit our website at www.varmdo.engelska.se or contact our Assistant Principal Mr Brayden Scarlett at [email protected]

Kind regards/Med vänliga hälsningar,

IESV Recruitment administrator,

Interviews will be ongoing with the position beginning March 18th, 2022. Visa mindre

Teacher, Mathematics, Science

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Would you like to join a team of international professionals in creating a calm and safe, bilingual learning environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn? Then IES Värmdö might be the perfect place for you!

IES Värmdö opened its doors in August 2021 with 2 parallel classes from Kindergarten to Year 7. We will continue to grow over the coming years until we have Kindergarten to Year 9. We are located in the Charlottendal neighbour of Värmdö, close to Gustavsberg Hamn and Centrum. We are easy to commute to from the city with a bus stop directly outside the school. 

In the 2022/23 Academic Year we will continue to grow and are looking for an exceptional Year 4 (students aged 10-11) teacher to teach our two year 4 classes in Science and Math. 

Main duties include:

- Monitor progress and effectiveness of classroom practice and evaluate and modify as necessary
- Provide a stimulating classroom environment for effective teaching and learning
- Maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school, both inside and outside the classroom
- Report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of students
- Maintain good order and discipline among students, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policies
- Mentorship of students is included in this position as well.

You should be a qualified teacher who is fluent in English as this will be your main teaching language. You should also be passionate about providing excellent education in a safe and calm environment for all students. Finally, as the atmosphere of the school is heavily international, you should be excited by the chance and prospects of working in an international environment and community with colleagues from all over the world!

If you are interested in the position please upload your CV here to the careers database. With any further questions please feel free to contact Mr Brayden Scarlett, at [email protected] Visa mindre

Teacher, Class Teacher, Ages 5 - 6

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

?Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker en behörig förskollärare till vår skola på Värmdö, med tillträde så snart som möjligt. Tjänsten är en vikariettjänst med möjlighet till tillsvidaretjänst från augusti 2022.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

-Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen. Vissa elever har eventuellt inte svenska (eller engelska) som modersmål och du kommer därför att behöva anpassa din undervisning för att kunna möta varje elevs individuella behov.

-Passion för att sätta en bra grund för elever i förskoleklass: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska skolan och lärandet lika mycket som du gör.

-Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

-Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2022. Vi har startat upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två paralleller i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egna undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker mestadels på svenska medan du bygger en bra grund för engelskan med barnen, och kollegor emellan talar vi engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. 

Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Visa mindre

Teacher, Social Studies, Ages 11 - 13

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

?Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker en behörig SO lärare i åk 6-9 till vår nya skola på Värmdö, samt annan skolpersonal, med tillträde den 23:e februari. Tjänsten är en vikariattjänst med möjlighet till tillsvidaretjänst från augusti 2022.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

-Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen. Vissa elever har eventuellt inte svenska (eller engelska) som modersmål och du kommer därför att behöva anpassa din undervisning för att kunna möta varje elevs individuella behov.

-Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

-Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

-Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har startat upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två paralleller i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egna undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. 

Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Visa mindre

School Caretaker

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har startat upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan ligger i Gustavsberg.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat.

Vi söker nu en vaktmästare till vår nybyggda skola.

I arbetsuppgifterna ingår bla:

- Att låsa och låsa upp byggnader vid lämpliga tidpunkter. 

- Att kontrollera skolan utvändigt och invändigt dagligen.

- Att ta emot och leverera varor. 

- Viss rengöring vid behov. 

- Att se till att regler för säkerhet efterföljs. 

- Att utföra underhållsarbete i lokalerna samt rapporterar eventuella skador.

-Att hjälpa till vid aktiviteter som samlingar och möten etc. 

- Installering och montering av nya produkter.

Vi söker en motiverad medarbetare som är positiv och samarbetsvillig. Förutom att vara ansvarsfull förväntas alla anställda vara välorganiserade, stolta över sina arbetsinsatser samt vara goda förebilder för våra elever. 

Du ska ha goda kunskaper om fastighetsskötsel och gårdsskötsel och erfarenhet av serviceinriktat arbete. Det är meriterande om du har grundläggande miljömedvetenhet och kunskap om arbetsmiljö, brandskydd, elsäkerhet och EU-regler. 

Både engelska och svenska används på skolan.

Tjänsten är på 100%. 

B-körkort är ett krav samt ett utdrag ur polisens belastningsregister.

Skicka din ansökan och cv till rektor Maria Segerstedt på [email protected]  märkt “vaktmästare”.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö opened in August 2021 and will eventually enroll students in grades F-9.  The first year we have students in year F-7. It is a school where every student will be seen and where you will have the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. IES Värmdö will open with completely refurbished buildings and a brand new school yard. The school is located in Gustavsberg.

Internationella Engelska Skolan is a truly international school. We have staff and

students from all over the world contributing to a dynamic international atmosphere.

We are now recruiting a caretaker to our newly built school.

The job will include:  

- Locking and unlocking buildings at appropriate times.- Accepting, and delivering of goods to relevant recipients.- Undertaking occasional cleaning duties as necessary.- Providing security for the site.- Carrying out maintenance tasks,installing and assembling new products. 

- Preparing areas of the School for activities including assemblies, functions, meetings, etc.

- Assisting with the programmed maintenance of the premises, reporting damage and breakage to the management.

- Undertaking such other reasonable duties as requested.

We are looking for a motivated team player who is positive and cooperative. In addition to being a co worker that takes responsibility over their work, all staff are expected to be well organised, take pride in their duties and be good role models for our students. It is an advantage if you have basic environmental awareness and knowledge of health and safety, fire safety, electrical safety and EU rules.

Both English and Swedish are being used in the school.

Please apply if you are a flexible, service minded person with initiative and experience of basic building maintenance and service-oriented work. 

The position is on 100%. 

Drivers licence is required, as well as a police clearance report.

Please send your CV and letter to Maria Segerstedt at [email protected] with the reference “vaktmästare”. Visa mindre

Recreation Instructor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker fritidslärare/fritidspersonal till åk F-6 till vår skola på Värmdö, med tillträde så snart som möjligt. Tjänsten är 50% med fokus på eftermiddagarna (ungefär 13:00-17:00).

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen.

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi har starta upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 och ska sedan utveckla vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare/fritidspedagog från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan med" Fritidslärare". Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker en slöjdlärare till vår nya skola på Värmdö. Att kunna undervisa i trä- och metallslöjds kombinerat med textil är en fördel, då vi ser slöjdämnet som ett ämne där träslöjd och textilslöjd är integrerade med varandra. Tjänsten kan under första året vara på mindre än 100%, eller på 100% kombinerat med något annat.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar

och erfarenheter från hela världen. 

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans medandra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi startade upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. Är du engelsktalande går det bra att undervisa på engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan  med "Slöjdlärare". Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se Visa mindre

Teacher, Textiles, Wood / Metal, Ages 9 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker en slöjdlärare till vår nya skola på Värmdö tillträde 8 november 2021. Att kunna undervisa i trä- och metallslöjds kombinerat med textil är en fördel, då vi ser slöjdämnet som ett ämne där träslöjd och textilslöjd är integrerade med varandra. Tjänsten kan under första året vara på mindre än 100%, eller på 100% kombinerat med något annat.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar

och erfarenheter från hela världen. 

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans medandra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö öppnade i Augusti 2021. Vi startade upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan har två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska. Är du engelsktalande går det bra att undervisa på engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan  med "Slöjdlärare". Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se Visa mindre

Teacher, Music, Ages 7 - 10

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

We at IES Värmdö are now looking for a qualified and experienced Music teacher to teach 30% on Mondays and Tuesdays to cover for a parental leave. Included in the work description, aside from common teacher tasks such as planning, preparing, marking, and grading, is also assisting with mentorship 2 days a week, as well as break and lunch duties. 

IES Värmdö is a new IES school which has just opened in the Charlottendal area of Gustavsberg. We are located very close to Gustavsberg centrum making it an easy commute to our school from Slussen. 

As a person you are flexible, a dedicated team player and have a positive approach to your subject which leads to you being creative and willing to go the extra mile for your colleagues and students. You have the tools to create a good learning environment in the classroom and your clear leadership and teaching style are the key to your student's success.

It is a temporary position for a parental leave cover from October through to February. Visa mindre

Teacher, Substitute, Ages 5 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vi söker nu vikarielärare för undervisning i åk. F-9 samt i vår Fritidsverksamhet. Du kommer rycka in och täcka upp lektioner i fall av planerad och oplanerad frånvaro. Du är en del av teamet och arbetar tillsammans med oss för att förverkliga IES vision. Vi eftersträvar tydliga ramar i klassrummet och fritidsverksamheten, tydligt ledarskap på lektioner och rak kommunikation mellan personal och elever. Fokus ligger på lärande, studiemiljön och skolans rutiner/regler som följs av både elever och lärare.

Vi söker dig som:

- kan följa och genomföra lektioner i enlighet med klasslärarens planering
- har tidigare erfarenhet av och/eller kunskap om arbete med barn
- har utmärkta engelskkunskaper och behärskar svenska 
- är trygg och entusiastisk, tvekar inte att ta egna initiativ.

Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Teacher, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology, Ages 12 - 14

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 43 schools and around 30,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Are you enthusiastic about building a brand new IES school from the very beginning?

We are now recruiting the very best teachers to start a new IES school on Värmdö that opened now in August 2021.  We are looking for a qualified teacher to teach science and technology in year 6 and 7, as well as be contributing to create a fantastic work environment in our new school.

We are looking for a teacher who, like us, believe in giving students the opportunity to realise their full potential, whatever their background is. You must also be knowledgeable and passionate about your subject. You will have the tools to create a calm, learning environment and differentiate your teaching to inspire all your students.  Furthermore, we are looking for teachers who are energetic, flexible and proactive.  

We require:

- Current teaching license/registration with relevant higher education from outside

of Sweden or Swedish “lärarlegitimation” (TEFL/CELTA are not sufficient)

- Fluency in the English language, (Fluency in Swedish is not a requirement)

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö opened in August 2021 and will eventually enroll students in grades F-9.  The first year we have students in year F-7. It is a school where every student will be seen and where you will have the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. IES Värmdö will open with completely refurbished buildings and a brand new school yard.

Internationella Engelska Skolan is a truly international school. We have staff and students from all over the world contributing to a dynamic international atmosphere. Ourschools are bilingual with up to 50% of teaching in English. We follow the Swedish national curriculum.

Recruitment is ongoing and the position may be filled before the closing date, so apply as soon as possible. The position is set to start as soon as possible. Please attach your CV, cover letter and a short film where you tell us about yourself will be appreciated and how you can contribute in building a positive and supportive school environment. 

We look forward to receiving your application addressed to the Principal, Maria Segerstedt, at [email protected] citing reference “science teacher ”. Visa mindre

Teacher, Spanish, Ages 12 - 16

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker behörigaklass lärare  i spanska till vår nya skola på Värmdö, med tillträde i augusti 2021. Tjänsten är på 50%, men kan kombineras med annat för att utökas.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar

och erfarenheter från hela världen. 

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans medandra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö kommer att öppna i Augusti 2021. Vi kommer att starta upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan kommer att ha två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din undervisning som lärare sker på svenska och engelska, och arbetsspråket är engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan  med "Lärare matematik coh NO, eller med annan roll du söker. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Review your application profile Visa mindre

School Counsellor

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker en skolkurator till vår nya skola på Värmdö, med tillträde i augusti 2021.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar

och erfarenheter från hela världen.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med

andra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö kommer att öppna i Augusti 2021. Vi kommer att starta upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan kommer att ha två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan med "skolkurator". Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Visa mindre


Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker fritidslärare/fritidspersonal till åk F-6 till vår nya skola på Värmdö, med tillträde i augusti 2021.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar och erfarenheter från hela världen.

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans med andra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö kommer att öppna i Augusti 2021. Vi kommer att starta upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan kommer att ha två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan med" Fritidslärare" eller med annan roll du söker. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Review your application profile Visa mindre

Teacher, Wood / Metal

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Vill du jobba i en internationell miljö med tydlig pedagogisk vision? Är du entusiastisk och brinner för att bygga en helt ny IES-skola från grunden?

Vi söker en trä- och metallslöjdslärare till vår nya skola på Värmdö, med tillträde i augusti 2021.

För att lyckas hos oss ser vi att du är:

Internationellt inriktad: Du kommer att samarbeta med kollegor som har olika utbildningar

och erfarenheter från hela världen. 

Passion för ditt ämne: Du vill inspirera dina elever till att älska ämnet lika mycket som du gör.

Entusiastisk vad gäller undervisning och att lära ut: Du delar vår övertygelse om att varje elev kan uppnå sin potential.

Flexibel: Du är villig att anta nya utmaningar och har ett öppet sinne för att tillsammans medandra skapa en ny skola.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Värmdö kommer att öppna i Augusti 2021. Vi kommer att starta upp med 16 klasser i åk F-7 för att sedan utvecklas vidare till en F-9 skola. Skolan kommer att ha två klasser i varje årskurs.

Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. Din egen undervisning som lärare från Sverige sker på svenska men kollegor emellan talar vi engelska.

Bifoga cv, personligt brev och gärna en kort film där du berättar om dig själv, samt vad du kan bidra med i arbetet med att bygga en positiv och stödjande skolmiljö. Namnge din ansökan  med "Lärare trä och metall", eller med annan roll du söker. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.

About IES

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

Review your application profile Visa mindre


Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993. More about the compan... Visa mer
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group ("friskola") with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is through both Swedish and English, with English the language of the corridors. IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at "Grundskolan" with 39 schools and around 28,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.

More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se

IES Värmdö är en skola för årskurserna F-9. Vi tror på tydligt fokus på studiero, trygghet och respekt, samt på att bygga en positiv skolmiljö som är tillåtande och inkluderande – och som ger bra skolresultat. IES Värmdö erbjuder möjligheten att arbeta i en internationell och stimulerande miljö där engagemang, professionalism och det engelska språket är gemensamma nämnare. Under första året kommer skolan ha 480 elever i årskurserna F-7

Vi söker nu en skolekonon som skall ansvara för följande arbetsuppgifter:

- Löpande bokföring
- Bistå rektorn i budgetarbetet inför kommande verksamhetsår
- Månadsvis kostnadsuppföljning och kommentarer på utfallet till huvudkontoret
- Månadsvis avstämningar av samtliga balanskonton
- Kontera och kontrollera inkommande leverantörsfakturor i Palette
- Fakturering i Hogia
- Avstämning av skolpeng månadsvis
- Kontakter med kommuner, genomgång av beslut mm
- Ansvara för skolans elektroniska handkassa


- HR-administration såsom anställnings- och rekryteringsadministration och avvikelserapportering

Vem är du?

Vi söker dig med en relevant akademisk examen och ett antal års erfarenhet av arbete inom administration/ekonomi. Har du erfarenhet från skolvärlden så är det ett plus men inte en nödvändighet. Vidare är du strukturerad, flexibel och har en god organisatorisk förmåga. Då du kommer ha många processer igång samtidigt krävs att du är van att arbeta självständigt, prioritera inom dina olika arbetsuppgifter samt kommunicera med olika uppdragsgivare. Självklart så behärskar du engelska i både tal och skrift.

Skriv gärna ett personligt brev, bifoga CV och ansöka idag. Rekrytering sker löpande, skicka därför in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Tjänstens startdatum är 2 augusti eller tidigare. Visa mindre